Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Camouflaged Beauty Self Critque

After reviewing the content of my final piece, there are revisions I need to make. My personal critique on my project stemmed from changing different transitions and my chosen magazine covers were very pixilated. I felt the strongest portions were the first and last scenes. At this present time, my objective is to simplify and edited my piece for next week. Conceptually, everyone seemed to grasp my idea of camouflaged beauty as I translated it into this film. Therefore, after receiving feedback from my instructor and classmates, the steps for completing this project be pertain: 1) Photographing more images of myself after each item is applied. (Like a step-by step application) 2) Importing and editing my photos in Adobe Photoshop, then Adobe After Effects. 3) Using the grid format, placing several mask on each photo. I may try different shapes and overlaying masks into mask. 4) Speed up the pace for each square appearing on the screen. Having two or three appearing at a time. Then, once my piece is compositionally, visually, and conceptually pleasing I will render, compress, and burn onto a DVD.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Animatic Link

I found several animatics on a website called Storyboard Inc. Working as a pre-production method, these anima tics were used for major companies commercial advertising. I feel this method works well as a rough sketch for one's final product. I enjoyed producing this preliminary sketch and I feel it works very well as before and after examples. My animatic is a very abstract, college piece, however I would change certain qualities for improvement. My overall time range is 1 minute and each mask scenario will have 3 sec, in which action will occur.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Final Project

My final project idea is an extension of camouflage, and how people conceal their identies by projecting different characteristics they embody. As I reviewed my research package, I revisited words that related to camouflage such as to disguise, conceal, mislead, imitate, and hide. Once all my ideas were formulated and established, I began an elimination process of how I wanted the viewer to understand Tiffani’s interpretation of camouflage.The termonology I stated above, will be able to identify with my finished piece. I unpacked how identity could be concealed and I found several ways including split personalities, identification sources, aliases, etc. People commonly represent this idea on Halloween, when they dress-up in costumes and become impersonators. Therefore, I decided to use this theme by creating masks to represent how people accomplish displaying multiple personalities. My figures will be mobile, exemplifying human qualities and well blended into their surroundings. A hand will appear to rotate at the bottom of the screen and this will allow each frame to change. Towards the end, the hand will rise up from the bottom of the screen, grabbing the mask, as the persons identity is revealed, then immediatly concealed again.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


The masking exercise was very interesting. Using a photograph I took at the zoo, I manipulated different elements by animating the still image. This film is a visual study of how camouflage works as an animal blends into its habitat. I feathered many sections of the photograph and my final composition was very innovative. I'm satisfied with my product, however practice can only perfect my skill.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bubble Project Link

Ji Lee
"The Bubble Project"

Acting as an attack on dominant culture, Ji Lee’s “Bubble Project” was the most effective link in my opinion. This project exemplified how the media as well as artist, publicize their ideas; yet replicate them using different styles and techniques. The Bubble Project’s purpose was to allow freedom of speech in America, since artwork has always fore fronted a debate. Indeed, placing these bubble stickers on top of Ads, in New York City, would get the attention of a diverse audience. With the addition of text, these street and online bubble quotes were very intriguing and located everywhere on various signs. The text ranged from humor to serious, sad to funny. These quotes dealt with issues based on social commentary, sex/drugs, politics/religion, media/fashion, art/philosophy, humor, personal messages, and seeds. The positioning of text on an image, will always change its overall impression, therefore these compositions were presented to provoke questions as to its appropriation. But the question of “Whose the viewer,” is also dependent upon the images general perception. This project displayed the reality of being an American citizen and expressing your thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely.
I also found the yes-man link interesting. Through my research project, I explored the idea of alienation or imposters. This fact is what very well happens during an identity theft scheme.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Research Package




Library Books:
Colors for Survival: Mimicry and Camouflage in Nature
Aliens from Earth: When Animals and Planets
Are We Alone? Scientist Search for Life in Space
Alien Abductions
Camouflage and Mimicry
The Alien Animals
Camouflage: a History of Concealment and Deception in War


Reasons To Riot

Matthew Thomas
“That Day”

As I observed Matthew Thomas’s film, “That Day,” my immediate reaction was “home sweet home.” The idea of warm, loving family/friend memories, triggered in my mind. In its entirety, this video has been constructed very creatively. The lighting situation was handled pleasantly by candles, which corresponded well with the picture frames. The idea of placing a video clip in a picture frame was unique, with the addition of motion effects. The voice recording, dialogue, and caption were particularly appealing; Thomas spoke all of which. However, there was major difference in the dialogue and lauguage spoken by the messenger and answering machine recording. Proper English vs. Ebonics/Slang was the main disparity, especially in the conversation. The caller expresses his opinion about changes Thomas has made in life, while insinuating this fact is why they haven’t talked in a while. The idea that one relocating to better himself in life, is looked at as being a trader or sell-out. The caller also refers to Thomas as being “white” several times during the message. Throughout the film, Thomas illustrates the fact that he really hasn’t changed. He still talks and acts that way, but there is a time and place for everything. After viewing the film, I feel as though Thomas was trying to make a statement that his success hasn’t made him forget his roots.