Monday, March 19, 2007

Bubble Project Link

Ji Lee
"The Bubble Project"

Acting as an attack on dominant culture, Ji Lee’s “Bubble Project” was the most effective link in my opinion. This project exemplified how the media as well as artist, publicize their ideas; yet replicate them using different styles and techniques. The Bubble Project’s purpose was to allow freedom of speech in America, since artwork has always fore fronted a debate. Indeed, placing these bubble stickers on top of Ads, in New York City, would get the attention of a diverse audience. With the addition of text, these street and online bubble quotes were very intriguing and located everywhere on various signs. The text ranged from humor to serious, sad to funny. These quotes dealt with issues based on social commentary, sex/drugs, politics/religion, media/fashion, art/philosophy, humor, personal messages, and seeds. The positioning of text on an image, will always change its overall impression, therefore these compositions were presented to provoke questions as to its appropriation. But the question of “Whose the viewer,” is also dependent upon the images general perception. This project displayed the reality of being an American citizen and expressing your thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely.
I also found the yes-man link interesting. Through my research project, I explored the idea of alienation or imposters. This fact is what very well happens during an identity theft scheme.

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