Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Camouflaged Beauty Self Critque

After reviewing the content of my final piece, there are revisions I need to make. My personal critique on my project stemmed from changing different transitions and my chosen magazine covers were very pixilated. I felt the strongest portions were the first and last scenes. At this present time, my objective is to simplify and edited my piece for next week. Conceptually, everyone seemed to grasp my idea of camouflaged beauty as I translated it into this film. Therefore, after receiving feedback from my instructor and classmates, the steps for completing this project be pertain: 1) Photographing more images of myself after each item is applied. (Like a step-by step application) 2) Importing and editing my photos in Adobe Photoshop, then Adobe After Effects. 3) Using the grid format, placing several mask on each photo. I may try different shapes and overlaying masks into mask. 4) Speed up the pace for each square appearing on the screen. Having two or three appearing at a time. Then, once my piece is compositionally, visually, and conceptually pleasing I will render, compress, and burn onto a DVD.

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