Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Research Topics


I thought about experimenting with the idea of existence. Questions regarding: How existence came about? and Why we as human beings exist? I want explore the general meaning of existence; an understanding living things. Existence is not only a way of living, but also the presence or occurrence of something in a particular place or situation.

The Human Condition

The human condition can be approached in several ways. I thought about discovering the stages and developments in life, humans encounter. Issues concerning our anatomy, metaphysical state of being, sexuality, habitats, cultures, etc.


I brainstormed about everything green. US currency, nature, traffic light=go, Marvel Comics “HULK”, Aliens, Camouflage, Dragons, Military forces, etc. Maybe creating abstracts production about how green is observed and its significance.

Sticking with the green idea....I've decided to explore the galaxy and aliens. Their worldview of earth and the way indivduals on each continent interact with their environment. I will create short animations placing them in certain aspects of our culture. Dealing with political and social issue, entertainment, crime, etc. Although this will be a challenge, I'm quite positive i can pull it off. I intend on making these animations comical and each will have a centalized theme or lesson towards the end, almost like a mini series. In some cases, audio will be present.

Exploring different styles of ornamentation.


Fred G said...

Our existence: explore the first big miracle. Creation of the Universe from nothing. Big bang is the scientific anwser which states that Time,space and matter came into existence at a singular moment in a giant explosion. Einstein is a great start in this. The real decision after reading and exploring this supernatural event, is "Was it the result of intelligent design or didthe universe emerge out of nothing. did the painting have a painter. Did the universe have a cause. Read an interesting book "I dont have enough faith to be an atheist" It purely deals with the spirtual side of this debate using logic and science. Once you decide as Einstein did, that this universe and its unbeliebvable complexities didn't just happened out of nothing then you are left with a supernatural intelligence ( I call God) that created the whole thing. Albert who resisted his own findings finally stated after seeing his theory proven that he wasn't interested in the effects of laws of physics - he wanted to now know what God was thinking that enabled him to create a universe. heavy stuff.
I was indifferent to all of this concern as to why we are here. but this is where I started and it eventually led me to the word of God and Jesus. it took awhile but I kept finding that the bible always had the same anwser that I learned by referencing science. i know it changed my life for the better and started to explain some of these really complex problems that I had not figured out. one unique thing about Christianity. it is one of the few religions that commands you to learn and question your faith in orderto build your understanding of the word of God. You can't explain it or truly believe if you have doubts. Use this reasoning in other religions and it might get you killed. It truly is a remarkable message that is timeless and endures. For a man who never owned anything, never held office, never commanded an army, never wrote anything and only ministered for 3 years, it is remarkable that Jesus is still the most well known and influential man today and over the last 2000 years.
Hope this helps


Sobanroth said...

I like the idea of exploration of human existence, and I'm wondering just how (and how effectively) you could pull off transforming this idea into short animations. To me, personally, it seems like it would be quite a task to undertake, but if you could do it, then go for it!

For the human condition one, maybe you should just concentrate on a single major category and reep it to its fullest benefits, squeeze all that you could out of the various outlooks on it.

As for green, I'm sure you're doing research on it right now? It would be interesting to see all the different kinds of associations the color green may be attributed to.

Shof Coker said...

I think you need to hone in on specifics and focus on the perspective or point of view from which these themes will be explored. That will determine the uniqueness and personality of the work, because it is really easy to get lost in broad topics without really delivering a personal point of view that usually makes art stand out.